Raphaël Améaume

Freelance Creative Technologist.

Based in Paris, France.


Audio reactive visuals in the browser

  • JavaScript
  • Three.js
  • WebGL

Doing mostly WebGL at work when I was in Montreal made me realize what could be achieved on the web beyond websites. The city also opened my eyes on the possibilities of digital arts through events like Mutek or places like Society for Arts and Technology.

I started diving into making audio reactive visuals with THREE.js over the course of 2017, when I was invited to Digital Design Days in Milan to present some of my work. Excited about this breakthrough, I started turning my generative art projects into audio experiments through the use of the WebAudio API. I also developed a MIDI interface to be able to play with the visuals with a MIDI Keyboard.

This research led to a public performance at a company event where Nicolas Daniel and I played live together for the first time.

This event would be the start of the thinking of Fragment as a tool.

A year later we were invited by Locomotive to perform visuals along Kaytranada at a party to celebrate their Awwwards Agency of the Year trophy. I had recently left Montreal at the time of the event but Nicolas showcased some of my work along his, made while being on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.