Raphaël Améaume

Freelance Creative Technologist.

Based in Paris, France.

Institute of Design

Six modules. Three experiments.

  • Fragment
  • Svelte
  • WebGL

In the fall of 2022, I collaborated with Collins to create a tool exploring the new visual language of the Institute of Design of Chicago. They crafted six foundational structures capable of transforming from abstract shapes into words and images. I was in charge of developing three experiments based on these structures.

The homepage features a title using the different levels of complexity of a font made of the six modules, reacting to mouse or touch interactions.

The Type Experiment

The first experiment goes deeper into the font exploration with the ability to type any message and customize its look before exporting the final asset.

The Pattern Experiment

This experiment explores how scales and positions of the structures can lead to a variety of patterns, moving seamlessly from chaos to clarity.

The Image Experiment

This experiment can either use a picture or a real-time webcam stream to turn any image into the foundational structures. By computing the different levels of luminosity in the image, we can create more or less abstract representations of the real world based on the visual system.


The three experiments were first developed with Fragment and then wrapped in a SvelteKit application for custom styling and interactions.

You can read more about the project on Collins’s website .