Raphaël Améaume

Freelance Creative Technologist.

Based in Paris, France.

Notes 007

Color spaces and outlines

  • Notes

What is this? Notes are monthly posts of curated content, featuring articles, websites, exhibitions, projects, and personal experiences that I find worth sharing. Think of it as a blend of a newsletter, bookmarks, and a public journal.


The Information Economy by Hal R. Varian

This is an amazing article from Hal R. Varian about the future of Internet and its economy, written in…1995! He wonders about how information will be sold in the future and discuss the need for a way to conduct secure financial transactions on the internet. The whole article is a must read now we are in the future he tries to articulate.

The Information Economy How much will two bits be worth in the digital marketplace? https://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~hal/pages/sciam.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

via Gordon Brander’s “Subconscious” newsletter

OKLCH in CSS: why we moved from RGB and HSL by Evil Martians

An in-depth article about color spaces and how we can write better colors in CSS by moving to oklch().

OKLCH in CSS: why we moved from RGB and HSL https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/oklch-in-css-why-quit-rgb-hsl

Better outline rendering using surface IDs with WebGL by Omar Shehata

This article describes an approach on how to create great looking outlines in WebGL.

Better outline rendering using surface IDs with WebGL https://omar-shehata.medium.com/better-outline-rendering-using-surface-ids-with-webgl-e13cdab1fd94