What is this? Notes are monthly posts of curated content, featuring articles, websites, exhibitions, projects, and personal experiences that I find worth sharing. Think of it as a blend of a newsletter, bookmarks, and a public journal.
André Pasture
I discovered the work of André Pasture in the latest issue of AisleOne Digest .
Floor 796 by 0x00
Floor 796 is a tile-based website featuring countless animated illustrations with many references to movies, games, anime and memes. Animations are made by the author in a web based editor available here.
Floor 796 https://floor796.com/via Damien Mortini
The continuity of Splines
Freya Holmer has released a new video which covers a lot of things about splines. Beyond the explanations and the perfect rythm, the video itself is a piece of art.
If you haven’t watch her previous video about The Beauty of Bézier Curve , I highly recommend it as well.
Daryl Ginn, the creator of godly.website makes funny tweets about design and he just started a newsletter called Rectangle and the first issue was great. Looking forward to the next!
Rectangle A newsletter about rectangles, but mostly design. https://rectangle.substack.com/CSS Grid. One layout method not the only layout method
While I was trying to build the Archive page of this website, I was first going for a Masonry like grid of items. I was trying to figure out how to achieve it with CSS Grid, a layout solution which I’ve been using for 3 years, until I found this gem article written by Rachel Andrew which explains why CSS grid is not the solution for it.
CSS Grid. One layout method not the only layout method https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2017/01/18/css-grid-one-layout-method-not-the-only-layout-method/Great! So I could stop trying to achieve purely with CSS with a technique which is not designed for. If you’re looking to implement Masonry layout, CSS Grid can help but you’ll still need some Javascript like explained in this very good article by Andy Barefoot
Masonry style layout with CSS Grid https://medium.com/@andybarefoot/a-masonry-style-layout-using-css-grid-8c663d355ebbFragment outputs
Emmanuel Durgoni has recreated an interesting effect made by Jesper Vos.
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