What is this? Notes are monthly posts of curated content, featuring articles, websites, exhibitions, projects, and personal experiences that I find worth sharing. Think of it as a blend of a newsletter, bookmarks, and a public journal.
Passport photos
This photography project by Max Siedentopf imagines what could happen while taking photos for passport, which is by the photographer words “the most mundane and unexciting types of photography”.
Passport photos by Max Siedentopf https://maxsiedentopf.com/passport-photos/via AisleOne
Le Laboratoire graphique de Jacques Bertin
A beautifully designed website with a different interactive experiment on each reload!
Le Laboratoire graphique de Jacques Bertin https://laboratoire-graphique.frBetter on paper
This project presents photographies ready to be printed for personal used. I really like the design of the website and especially the film strip view. I still hope to develop a website for a photographer some day!
Better on paper https://itsbetteronpaper.com/Phoemela Ballaran
This personal website is the kind of gem I like to find on the internet: a pure expression of the personality of the author.
Phoemela Ballaran https://phoemelaballaran.github.io/myhome/house.htmlmmm.page
I discovered this tool on Twitter and I’m impressed by what users are able to build with it. I didn’t have the time to test it yet but I will once I have a bit more time and an idea that could fit with this type of builder. Seems more fun than Framer or Webflow for sure!
mmm.page https://showcase.mmm.page/Read
The Unbearable Sameness of the Modern Web
I share the point of view of Rachel Binx here and the websites listed above are perfect examples that the web is full of possibilities to create non boring interfaces.
The Unbearable Sameness of the Modern Web https://blog.rachelbinx.com/2023/02/unbearable-samenessThe Door problem
This article by Liz England perfectly sums up what I’m trying to articulate in The elevator pitch .
The Door problem https://lizengland.com/blog/2014/04/the-door-problem/Some Triangle Grid Extensions
A great tutorial by BorisTheBrave on how to build more complex grid with code.
Some Triangle Grid Extensions https://www.boristhebrave.com/2021/05/27/some-triangle-grid-extensions/Exponential smoothing
A good article about animation and how we can create interruptible interpolation between values, which is useful in a lot of cases.
Exponential smoothing https://lisyarus.github.io/blog/2023/02/21/exponential-smoothing.htmlRendering outlines
I really like outlines in illustration and graphics rendering, such as the one used in the videogame Sable. This can be a tricky thing to do in graphics programming and this article by Alexander Ameye lists all the different techniques possible when you want to outline a 3D object.
5 ways to draw an outline https://alexanderameye.github.io/notes/rendering-outlines/Reactivity
JavaScript UI frameworks are all about implementing their own paradigm of reactivity, as the need to reacts to new data or users interactions is the basis of what’s mostly build on the web today. But behind these frameworks, how is reactivity built? Jordan explores in this article some techniques to build your own reactive system.
Reactivity https://notes.jordanscales.com/reactivityThe modern web’s underrated powerhouse
This article tells the history of CSS and its current state. Super interesting to understand how we got where we are with this language!
The modern web's underrated powerhouse https://github.com/readme/featured/css-futureWatch
Optimising Largest Contentful Paint
A technical conference by Harry Roberts about one important metric on the Web: Largest Contentful Paint.