What is this? Notes are monthly posts of curated content, featuring articles, websites, exhibitions, projects, and personal experiences that I find worth sharing. Think of it as a blend of a newsletter, bookmarks, and a public journal.
David Mascha
Someone shared with me the work of David Mascha when they saw what I was doing for 36 days of type and thought it could serve as an inspiration. Something in his work is very shader-like but I think he’s using pre-rendered software though I’m not quite sure.
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Etienne Pharabot’s shaders
Etienne has been pro-active these last months by creating shaders every week-end using Fragment. He compiled all of his work in a interactive gallery available online:
Shader Gallery https://shader-gallery.etiennepharabot.frIvan Peev
I met Ivan while I was in Montreal and I’m a big fan of his work! Now that I live in Paris, I make sure not to miss any of his exhibitions. He created two characters, Travis and Mina, drawn in various funny situations and often integrates them in his collaborations with brands. You can check out his work on Instagram.

Vertex journey
An interesting visualisation by Antoine Bernier of a vertex position from its model position to the screen position and its intermediate steps.
Vertex Journey https://github.com/abernier/vertex-journeyThe history and legacy of Visual Basic
I’m getting more and more interested in the history of programming languages and environments as I think it helps me get a better understanding of the state of programming nowadays, what succeed, what failed, why and how. This article retraces the history of Visual Basic and how it’s still influential today. The story itself is well written and the website is a delight with beautiful geometric animations and a tiny bit of interaction (my sweet spot really).
The history and legacy of Visual Basic https://retool.com/visual-basic/The one about AI
Tom Macwright has had a huge influence on the making of this journal and myself attempting to finally start to write. I like how his writing is thoughtful and feels connected to the society we are actually living in. He wrote about AI in this one and I can only recommend to read it.
The one about AI https://macwright.com/2023/04/15/ai.htmlLife
36 days of type
Following the workshop I attended last month about raymarching, I gave it a try with this edition of 36 days of type by creating a few loops. You can see read more about it here .