Raphaël Améaume

Freelance Creative Technologist.

Based in Paris, France.

Notes 015

Clouds and chocolates

  • Notes

What is this? Notes are monthly posts of curated content, featuring articles, websites, exhibitions, projects, and personal experiences that I find worth sharing. Think of it as a blend of a newsletter, bookmarks, and a public journal.



I rarely spend time on websites but this one by Immersive Garden is a must-see. From the 3D scene to the sound design, the user experience and various interactions, there’s so much to see, contemplate and appreciate.

Aten7 https://www.aten7.com/


Rasmus Andersson, designer of the Inter font (used on this website) is building a new operating system for creatives called Playbit. I’m really curious about how it’s going to look like but I’m confident it will be amazing.

Playbit Fourth generation operating system https://playb.it/


Sweet WebGL rendering of chocolates.


Houdini outlines

I found the topic of hand-drawn rendering in computer graphics super interesting and these outlines made in Houdini are absolutely beautiful.

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Wang Tileset Creator

Boris has created a useful tool to generate tiles for Marching Squares.

Wang Tileset Creator https://www.boristhebrave.com/permanent/23/03/tileset-creator/


Pseudo Blue Noise

A technical and mathematical deep dive into dithering techniques and the computation of pseudo blue noise by Job van der Zwan.

Pseudo Blue Noise https://observablehq.com/@jobleonard/pseudo-blue-noise

Day Night Cycle in a fragment shader

A great technique to render a day night cycle in a fragment shader using LUTs.

Day Night Cycle in Fragment Shader https://shahriyarshahrabi.medium.com/day-night-cycle-using-lut-in-fragment-shader-of-materials-80edaf26f655

Shaders in sketches — Step

I’m really enjoying this on-going series of tutorials about GLSL functions made by Ilithya where she shared how her brain works when she thinks about she makes pixel shaders.

Shaders in sketches — Step https://www.ilithya.rocks/blog/shaders-in-sketches-step/


Animate with springs

I’ve been using springs a couple of times on web productions such as Philippe Neveu’s portfolio and released an open-source library on Github. This is a great talk at the latest WWDC conference by Apple about springs and how they can be useful for interruptible animations in interfaces.

Animate with springs https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10158/


Tandem exhibition at Galerie Data

Galerie Data opened a few months ago in my neighbourhood and I was super happy to see the Tandem exhibition which featured two beautiful artworks by Nicolas Daniel.

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Fragment outputs: Nuages possibles

Joanie Lemercier is one of my favorite artist and he released a new series called “Nuages possibles”. He collaborated with Quentin Hocdé who used Fragment in the process of iteration and calibration the algorithm of Joanie.

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