Raphaël Améaume

Freelance Creative Technologist.

Based in Paris, France.

I'm Raphaël Améaume, a freelance creative technologist crafting interactive experiences and generative visuals on the web.
I create unexpected moments through user interactions.

Enter the world of my notes. Connect the dots to discover my process. Well done. Now do it again. Remember that the most direct route isn't always the best choice. From randomness can arise beauty. / /


I'm a freelance creative technologist with 9 years of experience crafting interactive projects on the web. I specialize in designing and implementing generative visual systems that leverage the latest web technologies.

Following my graduation from Gobelins in 2015, I worked as a creative developer at Akufen in Montréal (Canada) for 4 years. Later, I moved to Paris where I have been freelancing ever since. Along the way, I've had the opportunity to collaborate on a range of exciting projects with diverse creative studios worldwide including field.io , dotdotdash , Collins and Cher Ami .

My approach is marked by curiosity and a commitment to quality and performance. I'm also dedicated to making technology more accessible through open source projects. In September 2022, I released Fragment , a web development environment for creative coding.

Outside of work, I enjoy exploring new places by train or bike and creating generative art as a personal hobby.